Thursday, March 12, 2009


I used to think that I would enjoy being a stay-at-home I'm not so sure! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being able to spend all day with Carter, but I get bored very easily. There's only so much cleaning and TV watching I can do! Since I get to take Carter to work with me, I'm considering going back next week rather than waiting until the 23rd. However, it all depends on when I get my car back. My car is currently in the shop due to a minor accident I had last Saturday night. I was coming home from OC when I ran into one hell of a t-storm. It was raining and hailing so bad that I couldn't see the highway. I decided to pull off onto a gravel road and wait the storm out but due to lack of visibility, I turned too soon and went into a ditch. Luckily I got right back out, but it still did some damage to the car. However, going back and looking in the light of day, I saw that the accident could have been sooooo much worse. If I had turned a moment sooner, I would have been nose down in a 6 ft. embankment. Guess God was watching over me that night! And thank goodness Carter was at home with Brent :)

This week has been rather uneventful with the exception of yesterday. Carter and I went to Topeka with my mom and grandma. It was a nice day; we ate at IHOP (my favorite) and picked up some groceries. Then Mom and I went to TLEC so Mom's former coworkers could see Carter. It was so great to see everyone and of course they all just loved Carter!

Brent and I will be leaving Carter for the first time ever this weekend. We're going to go bowling Saturday night for Courtney's birthday. While it will be nice to get out for a while, I know we're going to miss him like crazy! Luckily, he will be in good hands with Meema :)

I'm excited to report that as of next week, I will officially be an "AVON Lady!" I've been contemplating becoming an AVON representative and when I learned how easy it is to start up, I said sign me up! I'll be meeting with a gal next week so that I can get everything lined up and then I will officially be ready to start selling. This is very neat for me, b/c I'm following in the footsteps of my Grandma Granger who sold AVON for YEARS!



  1. are you sure he's not doing the macarena?

  2. or maaaaaaybe he's honing his skills, dreaming of one day being on Dancing with the Stars??????

  3. Hey, then maybe I'll finally have a ballroom dancing partner! Of course, by that time, I'll look like Cloris out on the floor :P
