Carter is doing awesome with his new "daycare" schedule. It's not really daycare I guess. He goes to either Grandma Gibby's or Meema's house on the days Brent works and the rest of the time he stays home with Daddy. He seems to really being loving it!
Our little man is quite active these days. He's not walking (or standing on his own yet), but he pulls up to EVERYTHING and cruises around everything and gets into everything that he shouldn't! He's also getting really good at playing peek-a-boo & pat-a-cake. I just wish he was a little older so we could take him out to play in the snow b/c I know he'd have a ball. Oh well, we'll just have to wait until next year!
Have a great week everyone!
Does Carter want to go to the farm show this week with Meema and Papa???