Monday, February 1, 2010


Wow, I've really gotten behind on my posts, haven't I?! In my defense, our computer is STILL broke & I've been super busy at work and haven't had much extra time to post. I actually started this post last FRIDAY and wasn't even able to finish it! So, here's what we were up to last week.....

*Carter's Standing!
He's doing awesome at standing on his own now. He's got really good balance and every day he stands a little longer. I have a feeling it won't be long until he takes that first out everyone!

*More Teeth....FINALLY
Carter got his first tooth the day before he turned 7 months. The 2nd one followed shortly after that and then nothing! For 4 1/2 months, he's had only 2 teeth and I was starting to get worried that the others would never come in! Then finally, over last weekend, we noticed some very white gums on the top in the middle. Then last Monday morning, we noticed a tooth had popped through overnight! He has his left central incisor, and it looks as if the right one AND both lateral incisors (the fangs) could come through at any time. Luckily, he's handing it VERY well. He's doing a lot of drooling and some diarrhea but that's it. No fever, no fussiness...let's just hope it stays that way! If not, I'll be whipping out the Tylenol!

*Formula vs. Milk
We've been trying to ween Carter off formula and on to cow's milk. We started this a few weeks ago by giving him just a little bit of whole milk in a sippy cup. However, he HATED it. He would take a little drink, make this awful face, and throw the cup on the floor. He wouldn't even drink it out of a bottle! The only way he would drink it was if I mixed it in with the formula. So, we decided to try out 2% first. Luckily, he has no problem drinking the 2%.....out of a bottle. He won't drink milk out of a sippy cup! I guess he thinks his cup is for juice only! So now that we've got the cow's milk down, we're working on getting rid of the bottle. Then we'll move on to trying whole milk again!

*There's a birthday coming soon!
Carter will turn 1 YEAR OLD one week from today! I can't believe it! My mom & I went to Topeka on Saturday to get the last of the goodies for the party & to order his cake. I can't WAIT to post pics of everything....especially his cake, it's so cool! We're going to take him up on Saturday the 13th to get his 12 month pics taken. Now I just have to figure out what he's going to wear!

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