Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny came to visit last night! Since he's too little for candy, Carter received burp clothes, some cool new bibs, and an awesome cow toy. The Easter Bunny must have known that Mommy has been waiting for these cool Nike wind pants to go on sale at Babies R Us too, because they were even in the basket!
Today we went to Grandma B's for Easter dinner. Everyone enjoyed seeing Carter and we took a FIVE generation picture! Pretty cool, the last 5 generation pic was taken when I was about 2 months old too :)

Carter turned 2 months old on Wednesday! You know what that means....the dreaded first set of shots :( We went in Friday afternoon and I think I was more scared than he was! But he did awesome. He cried for a few minutes but by the time we got up to the front desk to schedule his next appointment he had completely calmed down. He even slept while I stopped and got diapers & formula for him! He was a little cranky Friday evening, but still did amazingly well.

Carter has been smiling more and more each day, but of course every time I get the camera he stops! His stomach problems & reflux seem to be doing better too. The gentle formula he's now on & his new meds seem to working out really well. He has been a happier baby this past week and hopefully this coming week will be just as good :)

1 comment:

  1. Love watching your blessing growing up so fast here. I'm happy you're able to cherish all of the time that you have with him. He seems full of life and keeping you very busy. Let's hope he doesn't take after his older cousin...Will be home in about a month and look forward to finally meeting him. We will keep all of you in our prayers. Lots of love from the three of us.
