Tuesday, December 1, 2009


When I walked into Amy's house this afternoon to pick Carter up, he looked at me, smiled real big, and said "Ma ma!" It was the cutest thing ever! I wish I'd had a video camera!

Carter's fever came back Sunday evening, so I took him to the doctor yesterday and it turns out he has an ear infection. I'm so ticked b/c at his 9 month check-up, his doctor told me that babies seldom get ear infections anymore b/c they get a vaccination for it. WRONG! Poor guy... So she put him on some Amoxicillin, which happens to be an antibiotic that I am HIGHLY allergic too. I told Dr. Heeb this, and she said the allergic reaction could be hereditary but we won't know until he tries it. So I'm hoping & praying that he doesn't have an allergic reaction. I guess we'll know if he breaks out in a rash all over his body!

Something I forgot to mention in the last post is that Carter now brushes his teeth! (well, the 2 little teeth that he has) We got him a little baby toothbrush and he LOVES it! He even knows which one to grab out of the toothbrush holder. We help him brush his teeth & gums and then let him hold the toothbrush by himself for a little while. I'm hoping he will continue this love of brushing his teeth b/c most kids HATE brushing!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that Carter finally called you Mama! I know that was very special for you. And aren't you smart trying to get him used to brushing his teeth at such an early age. I think that is a very good thing to start so it will be just part of his routine. Sorry to hear he has an ear infection. That was something we struggled with on both of our kids and they eventually had to have tubes put in their ear. I hope it doesn't come to that with Carter. Keep posting pics and videos and stories, Erin. Like always, I really enjoy seeing your little guy grow up. He just gets cuter all the time. He sure is getting a lot of good out of those bibs I got him. I notice them in lots of the pics you put on here. I'm glad I got you something you found useful. Take care. Love to all, Jillybean
