Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tough Decisions

I've put off writing a new blog post for quite some time now b/c of where we left off last time; on the subject of Carter's head and the whole helmet thing. It's a really hard situation to talk about and after weeks of pondering back and forth, Brent and I finally made a decision, a decision that we know we'll be ridiculed for. We've already heard input from several people, some welcome, some not so much. But in the end, we decided to do what we thought was best, and our decision was to NOT put Carter in a helmet. Our reasons why:

1. Using strategies the doctor gave us, we've been focusing on keeping him off the right side of his head, and we've already seen improvement in his head shape.

2. The doctor told us that w/o a helmet, his head would round out on it's own, it just would never be PERFECTLY round...well, how many people actually have a perfect head?

3. The flat spot just isn't that bad.

4. We couldn't stomach forcing our son to wear a helmet for 23 1/2 hrs. per day for 6-7 months.

So, now that we've got that out of the way.....on to some Carter updates!

  • Carter said his first words! Last Sunday, while we were watching the Chiefs game, he said DADA! At first we thought he was just babbling, but we kept saying "Dada" and he'd repeat it back to us! He probably doesn't realize what he's actually saying, but it's still cute, and Brent's quite proud :-)

  • He now has 2 teeth on the bottom! (And let me tell you how sharp those little things are!)Still trying to get a picture of them, eaiser said than done.

  • Bubba's quite active now with his crawling, but it's still only an army crawl. He'll get up on his knees, but only rocks back and forth and then falls to his stomach. He's been close to pulling himself up to stand several times, but hasn't quite managed.

  • We discovered our little boy loves egg yolk and pancakes! Last Saturday we went out to eat with Brent's parents at IHOP. Carter was reaching for Grandpa's plate and poked his egg and broke the yolk, so we gave him a bite and he LOVED it! Then we let him try a tiny piece of pankcake and he thought that was pretty yummy too!

  • I finished shopping for all the items to complete Carter's Halloween costume yesterday. What he is going to be you ask?? It's a surprise! Stay tuned for pics!

1 comment:

  1. Erin -- I think you made the right decision. Just wanted to share. Donna
