Carter had a WONDERFUL birthday! His party was so much fun. We had it on Sunday, the day before his birthday, at the Senior Center in Osage. It was a John Deere celebration! We were lucky to have so many friends & family members come--it was so great to see everyone! The highlight of the day HAD to be Carter digging into his special giant cupcake that I made for him, complete with green frosting (see pics below). And of course Carter made out like a bandit! He's just a tad spoiled!
I stayed home with Carter on Monday, his actual birthday. We enjoyed a day of relaxing and playing with all of his new toys! Unfortunately Brent had to work that day :( But when he got home that night, we had a birthday dinner for Carter that consisted of pancakes & scrambled eggs (and bacon for Mommy & Daddy & Maggie). After supper, we gave Carter a little bit of birthday cake (like he needed any more after his party!) and then he opened his presents from me & Brent. All in all, I'd have to say he had a pretty darn good 1st birthday!
In other Carter news, he got his first hair cut last Friday! Just in time for his 1 year pics we got taken on Saturday. He did soooo good while getting it cut. I was prepared to have to sit there with him, just to ensure he stayed still! But nope, he got right up there on the stool, just like a big boy. Of course, he needed a comb in each hand, but that's okay b/c he did awesome! I can't believe how much the haircut changed him. He definitely looks like a little boy now, not a baby anymore!
Carter now does an awesome impression of the Hulk! It's soooo funny! One day he just started straining & putting his arms up, like he was showing off his muscles, so we quickly dubbed it "The Hulk." We used to have to imitate the Hulk to get him to do it, but now he's learned as soon as hears the word HULK or MUSCLES, he does it and let me tell you it is quite hilarious! I have video on my camera that I will post just as soon as the POS computer is fixed!!
I have to take Carter to get his shots today after work. We attempted to get them last Friday. I took the day off so we could get his hair cut, bring him to work so everyone could see him, have lunch w/ Auntie Amanda, and then go to his 12-month check-up. Well, they wouldn't give him his shots b/c it had not been exactly 6 months since his last shots. We were TWO freaking days shy!! I was so pissed. I told them it would have been nice if they'd bother to tell me it had to be 6 months to the day when I scheduled his 12 month appointment!! So Dr. Heeb went ahead & checked him out and he's doing fabulous. He's now up to 22 lbs and is 30 inches long, and that big noggin of his is holding a huge brain!
In Erin & Brent news.....Brent got a promotion at work which is soooo awesome for him! I'm so proud of him b/c he's worked really hard! The only downfall is that with the promotion comes a new shift.....the night shift :( He'll now be working 7pm to 7am as lead mold tech on his shift. It's going to suck, but thank goodness it's not every night of the week.
I'm still chuggin along w/ my non-diet crap. Not doing very well in my opinion. I just want to eat all the time! And I hate exercise! I do a lot around the house to keep moving, just by vacuuming and picking up the house every night and doing dishes and cooking supper and doing laundry and of course chasing after Carter. It seems like from the time I get home from work I don't sit down until 9:00! So why am I not loosing more weight?! Oh yes, b/c I love food. I can tell I've lost a little bit, but it's just not coming off as quickly as I'd hoped. I guess I'm really gonna have to get my butt in gear if I want to see some serious results. Especially since Candace and I are going dress shopping this weekend for my bridesmaid dress!

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