But there was one good thing about February 4, 2009......we found out that our little man would be arriving much earlier than February 23! Carter was still breech and my doctor scheduled a c-section for me on February 11 (Carter obviously had plans of his own). I can still remember that feeling I had, a feeling of pure excitement & happiness, but nervous as hell! I had no idea what life would entail as a mother. While I expected it would be great, I had no idea just how absolutely wonderful and fulfilling it would really be.
In recent news........We've finally accomplished the feat of getting Carter to drink whole milk! The 2% trick worked! I even got him to drink it out of his sippy cup last night. I don't think Brent's having much looking getting him to use the cup for milk today, but hey, at least he's drinking the milk! I'm really hoping we can get him weened down to just a bottle at night, and then get rid of the bottle all together. Then we'll just have to work on the paci......

oh boy do I ever remember that -- I felt soooo bad for you!! But I also knew it would all be worth it! Thank you for our wonderful grandson. We love you all!