In Carter news......
*We have a total of 7 teeth now! 4 on top, 3 on bottom, and there are 2 more on top that are rapidly approaching. I'm very excited for this b/c it will help Carter be able to eat a more broad variety of foods. Right now we're pretty restricted to what he can eat and everything has to be cut up into tiny tiny pieces!
*Carter's still working on the walking thing. We know he can walk....we've seen him walk....he just seems to have no desire to do so! He's taken several steps at a time by himself and he cruises around everything in the house, barely hanging on, but he seems to prefer crawling! And let me tell you how FRUSTRATING this is to Brent & I!!! We're just like, "Walk already kid!!!"
*Bubba's become quite the chatterbox! I can't believe how many things he's saying now! He still says mama & dada of course, but now he says "Done" or "All Gone" after he eats. And he points at EVERYTHING and says "What's that?" Of course, it comes out more like "Stat??" He also says "OK", "Yeah", and "Uh-Oh." We also hear tons of undecipherable babbling which I'm sure will eventually turn into real words!
*Bubba's become quite the chatterbox! I can't believe how many things he's saying now! He still says mama & dada of course, but now he says "Done" or "All Gone" after he eats. And he points at EVERYTHING and says "What's that?" Of course, it comes out more like "Stat??" He also says "OK", "Yeah", and "Uh-Oh." We also hear tons of undecipherable babbling which I'm sure will eventually turn into real words!
*We've been working with Carter on learning his body parts. We sing the "Head Shoulders Knees & Toes" song several times a day and right now we're working on where his nose & belly button are. He's catching on very well and will sometimes even point to his nose when you ask him where it's at.
*Behavior problems!! Some days, I wonder if we have a 13-month old or a 2 1/2 year old b/c let me tell you, this child is ORNERY!! He definitely tests his limits too! He's very impatient, whiny, and moody (just like his Mama unfortunately)! He always wants something he can't have (typical kid I know). Some of the problems we've been having are him sneaking into the bathroom when we don't have the door closed, closing all the doors in the house he can find, trying to eat Maggie's dog food, knocking picture frames down, trying to stand on his little 4-wheeler so he can climb up on top of other things, and throwing EVERYTHING, including his sippy cup, which here lately he has not wanted to drink milk out of. I know these are all typical things that every kid does, and we're willing to put up with it a few times, but now that we're trying to teach him the meaning of "NO" and he has no interest in listening to us, it's very frustrating!!
*Little man is such a little love bug! He loves to give hugs & kisses (sometimes) but mostly hugs. He even hugs his stuffed animals & Maggie too! It's so sweet. I hope he stays this way forever!
Well that's about all I have for now. Hopefully it won't be nearly a month before my next post! Enjoy Carter's 12-month shots & a few other randoms I've taken this week.

Erin you just have to post a video of Carter showing his muscles! When your mom brought him into the office and he did that number he had us all cracking up! What a little charmer! Be patient with the walking because if you think he can get into things quickly now, just wait until he can run away from you! Thanks for the update as I'm always glad to see you post what's going on with your little Carter. Take care. -Jillybean