Saturday, I indulged in crap like Poptarts and chips & salsa and pizza for supper. And I didn't walk or work all....whoops.
Yesterday was a little better. While Carter chowed down on s'mores Poptarts for breakfast (my absolute favorite), I choked down fruit and a skinny bagel instead. And I made these awesome Skinny Pepperoni Roll-ups. I found this recipe on a new blog I've been reading, Mama Laughlin. You should totally check her out. She's hilarious. And inspiring.
But then I had a down-fall Sunday. The weather was soooo nice (finally). And around our house nice weather = beer drinkin weather (it's a redneck thing.....that, and we'll use pretty much any excuse to drink beer). Anyway, we all know what happens when you drink beer. Even if you're NOT drunk, maybe just a little tipsy, you get the munchies. And all of that hard work and perseverance is thrown out the window. And you eat. You eat bad food. Food that you've deprived yourself from for so long and now you just HAVE to have it! Actually, I wasn't all THAT bad....I just ate a few chocolate graham cracker cookies and ate too many pepperoni rolls and then had pizza again for supper. But just once piece! One positive thing about Sunday though, the kids and I went on two nice long walks.
I had no problem getting back into my weekly routine this morning. I drank my protein shake on the way to work and then had a piece of fruit when I got to my desk. And then I started in on the coffee. But one thing I did notice this morning is that I'm STARVING. I had finally got my body into a routine and used to less food and then I went and screwed it all up this weekend and now I feel like I could gnaw my arm off because I'm so hungry. This sucks. Doesn't help that Aunt Flow....that dirty bitch....decided to show up a few days early. Probably that Z-pack I took last week, screwing with my "whore pill." Oh well, at least that ghastly sinus infection is gone!
But I vow to get back on track this week. And while I'd LIKE to say next weekend will be better, I make no promises. Next Saturday is my 30th BIRTHDAY. And I'm really not happy about it. I'm dreading it. Which is why I will be getting stupid, sloppy drunk and probably treating myself to some delicious fried food. I'll pay for it next week. But I will enjoy it. Just picture Monica Gellar's 30th birthday on Friends....yep, that'll be me.
I've already got motivation for this week. I weighed myself this morning on the scale in our work
positive results on the scale are the best medicine for a mean case of the slackers. Good for you!!!
ReplyDeleteErin, I'll gladly trade you that 30 for my 60 anytime! Don't sweat your age woman. Just be happy that you're alive with beautiful kids, a husband that loves you, and a job that pays the bills. You've got a pretty good life! -Jillybean