Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm Baaaack!

Wow, it's been quite some time since I last blogged. A lot has happened since December 2011. We welcomed Miss Chloe Janette on February 24, 2012 and we just celebrated her 1st birthday. She has added so much joy to our lives in the past year. Mister Carter turned 4 on February 8.  He is so bright and fun loving and HILARIOUS!  He's also very stubborn, strong willed and has a strong dose of mommy-diagnosed OCD. He definitely gives us a run for our money. Chloe's becoming quite strong willed herself and has already started fit 13 months. Some days, my life feels like one big bucket of stress with a side of insanity.

I've often heard that exercise can help relief stress. It's also been known to cure a fat ass, which is something I currently own. I seriously think I'm in the worst shape of my life. I'm getting ready to turn 30 in a month and I honestly feel like an 80 year old. I ache all over, my knees hurt too bad to take the stairs at work and I just have this nasty image staring back at me when I look in the mirror.

How did I get here you might ask?  Well, not to blame my kids or anything but, oh who am I kidding, I blame my kids!  Don't get me wrong, I love them more than anything but being preggo kinda wrecked my bod. When I got pregnant with Carter in 2008, I was a healthy 130 pounds and looked fairly decent in a bikini. Granted, I had all the time in the world to work out and I actually somewhat watched what I ate. Then I find out I'm pregnant and boy did I take the whole "eating for two" thing to heart. I gained roughly 70 pounds while pregnant with Carter (partly due to hypertension) but mainly because I ate and I ate and I ate. It took my quite a while to drop this weight and I actually never lost all if it. When I became pregnant with Chloe in 2011, I weighed in at 161 pounds. I immediately decided I was doing things differently this time around. I ate a lot less, made somewhat healthier choices and had a 2 year old to chase around so I got my fair share of "exercise."  I had a much easier pregnancy (minus the migraines), had more energy, no high blood pressure and hypertension this time around.  I only gained 25 pounds.  And I lost all my baby weight within 6 weeks of delivery.

In May of last year, I decided to attempt the C25K running program (couch to 5K).  I loved it and was just getting into my groove when after 3 weeks I had to stop because the running was just too much for my poor 'ole knees. (Someday I'll tell you the story about my knees, but for now I'll just tell you they suck).  So since I couldn't run, I took to walking. This lasted up until we were hit with a hot as hell fire summer last year. It seriously took your breath away to step outside. Plus, I would get a bad case of swamp ass. So there went the walking.

Since then, my working out kinda comes in goes in spurts. I'll be gung-ho for a week or two, then Lazy Susan strikes. I also have three other things that prohibit me from losing weight. #1-Time. I work full time and have 2 kids, you do the math.  Not much time there to work out!  #2-I love to eat. And I love to eat bad things. Chips, Twizzlers, ice cream and high calorie coffee drinks are right up my alley. Oh, and I'm addicted to Diet Coke, so there's that too. And finally #3-I love beer. And no matter what diet I may be on, I will never give up my beer.

I actually have had major success with Weight Watchers a few years ago. I managed to loose nearly 30 pounds before my wedding in 2005. And it was soooo easy. But I had so something to really look forward to, major motivation. I don't have that motivation now, so it makes loosing weight incredibly hard.

I'm having a hard time with my approach to the Dirty 30 and I think in part it's because I don't want to "look old."  (It's bad enough I'm already getting gray hairs.).  I think loosing weight and having the mirror reflect a younger looking body a.k.a. skinnier body will definitely help me feel better about myself. I already battle a mean case of self esteem so I've got to make some changes.

Today I started a new exercise regime that I purchased online last week. Rockin Body.  From what I've gathered, it's pretty much all dancing and supposedly "easy."  So far (after the first 15 minute workout), I give it 2 thumbs up!  It was fun!  I also threw in a few floor exercises to work my legs, butt and abs.

I know this isn't going to be easy, mainly because I'm going to have a hard time changing my eating habits (hence the pizza box in the above picture). And because I have no self discipline to speak of.  But one thing at a time. Baby steps, as Dr. Leo Marvin would say.

Here's the beginning of my journey, weighing in roughly at 150 lbs (haven't weighed myself in a couple weeks).

1 comment:

  1. Your determination is inspiring! And along with it comes an added bonus -- you're setting a good example for your kids. Love you!! Mom
