For instance, I ate pizza for supper Monday & Tuesday night and I ate my weight in Twizzler Bites last night before bed....okay, not really THAT many, but still I know better than to eat that crap (especially that late at night). But I just feel hungry ALL the time. And fruit and yogurt and 100-cal packs just ain't cuttin it.
I read about this amazing so called "miracle" pill that's all the rage right now and helping women loose extreme amounts of weight. It's actually just an all herbal supplement. Green Coffee Bean. Ever heard of it? Well I hadn't either until just last week. I'm always a sucker for gimmicks of any kind, especially weight loss so I was immediately interested. The green coffee bean extract is supposed to suppress your appetite, block fat accumulation and boost energy. And no, it doesn't taste like coffee. I've been taking the pill 3 times a day for about a week and so far, I see none of that. I see me, tired, lazy and wanting to eat everything in sight. Damn.
I think I'll keep taking it until the bottle is gone and see if I experience any changes. Maybe I just need to give it a little longer. Or maybe it's all a bunch of shit. Or maybe it's because I bought it at Walmart.
Long story short, I need to buckle down. I've seen results (I'm down a jeans size! *woot woot*). But I need to see more results. And the only way to do that is to discipline myself, which I've NEVER been good at. For instance, back about 8 or 9 years ago, my BFF Courtney & I would go for a long walk every night after work. Like a 6-8 mile walk. We would then proceed to sit on my front porch, drink ourselves stupid and have Pizza Hut delivered. See, no self-discipline here. And it extends further than just the weight loss world. Let's say I see a pair of shoes that I like. I may be successful at talking myself out of buying them for about 5 minutes. Then my lack of self discipline sets in and I buy them. And this may have happened on more than one occasion. But you know what? I never feel guilty about a good shoe purchase :)
Yes, I know. The flowers need some sun. I'm working on it. |
Who cares if I already have 2 pairs of Fatbaby's. A girl can always use another pair of shit-kickers. And these have camo, I couldn't resist. |
you crack me up! Love you, new shoes and all!