I've been wanting to pick back up on this blog for quite some time now, but I just wasn't sure where to start! Since March, so much has happened and I didn't even know where to begin. But after talking with my Mom & Lori P. (Mommy #2) last night about their blogs, it really made me want to get back into mine. So, here we go. Here's a short (ha!) recap of what we've been up to the last few months.......
*April - - - Ahhh, the start of spring! Kicked off with me & my bud Amanda seeing George & Reba in concert! Then the very next week, I was rear-ended during rush hour traffic in Topeka :( Luckily my car wasn't hurt TOO bad and we were even able to go w/o fixing it. We spent a lot of time at the lake during April, camping and fishing with Brent's parents.
*May - - - April Showers bring May Flowers, right? Not this May. I think we saw more rain than we saw sunshine, which put a damper on Carter's outside play quite a few days. I celebrated my 27th birthday and we had one hell of a rainy 3 day camping trip. Thank goodness Carter spent that weekend with Grandma & Grandpa so he didn't have to endure the yucky weather. We enjoyed the annual Burlingame Rodeo toward the end of the month and celebrated Memorial Day with a BBQ at the Gibby's house. Oh, and I got to celebrate my 2nd Mother's Day with the best little man in the whole world =)
*June - - - June saw us helping Candace & Tuff prepare for their big wedding day coming up in July. We participated in a couple's wedding shower for them, which was a blast! Brent got to celebrate his 2nd Father's Day, and we spent more time at the lake, especially on the boat. Mom & Dad celebrated their 29 year anniversary!!
*July - - - Seems like July just started and now it's already August! July was very busy for us and sped right by! 4th of July weekend we attended a baby shower for our good friend Tara, celebrated the 4th w/ a BBQ at Grandma Bryson's and fireworks in Eskridge (we were supposed to go see the fireworks show at Lake Wabaunsee, but it was canceled due to rain). One of my main duties at Matron of Honor for Candace was to throw her bachelorette party which turned out to be a very interesting night, but still tons of fun no less! And just last weekend, on July 31, we watched Candace & Tuff join hands in marriage, at one of the most beautiful and awesome weddings I've ever seen.

And now here we are in August, approaching fall already. Preseason football is starting, which makes me giddy and sooooo ready for fall. The temps lately have been so incredibly hot--bring on the cool! We just celebrated my Mom's birthday this past weekend (her b-day is today-Happy Birthday Mom!) and we will celebrate Brent's on August 23rd.Carter is thoroughly enjoying summer. He loves to play on his climber/slide, eat at his picnic table, and ride his John Deere tractor.

Speaking of tractors, we cannot believe how much Carter LOVES tractors. He's absolutely obsessed with them and usually that's all he'll play with! Meema bought him a set of 4 John Deere DVD's that we've now watched a gazillion times. And when he's ready to watch one, he'll let you know....he will turn on the DVD player, open the door, and bring you the movie so you can put the disc in for him. Silly boy! We're very proud of how smart Carter has become. He doesn't say a lot of words yet, but he always knows what you mean and understands when you ask him to do something (yet he doesn't seem to listen when you tell him NOT to do something!) He knows all the parts on his body and will point to them when you ask him where they are. He can even identify his shirt and shorts/pants to you, although he isn't too fond of clothes. He's not very happy when we make him put on shorts to go outside and play!
Carter's best friend is Maggie, or as he calls her, "Maa." He follows Maggie all over the house or yard and always wants to give her hugs. One of his favorite things to do is sit on her back. However, now that he weighs 25 lbs, we try not to let him do it anymore. We don't want to break Maggie's back!
Brent's job is going really well for him. He's been there a year and a half and has already moved up two positions. His title is "Mold Tech" and he sets the molds in the presses that make the plastic parts. And he comes home VERY dirty and VERY greasy every night. Thank goodness he has uniforms so we don't have to wash all that crap in OUR washer!
I'm still chuggin along at the Kansas Dept of Revenue. I love what I do and love my team at work. Some days I wish I didn't have to drive to Topeka EVERYDAY for work, but there just aren't very many options around Osage County!
So my goal is to keep this blog up and running like I used to. I know many of you have been wondering where I've been, and I'm sorry to keep you hanging! But keep checking back for more Gibby updates and pics of our wonderful Carter-bug =)
Welcome back! It's lonely out here :)