On the Carter news front....he's doing awesome and still ornery as ever! We've been busy this week planning his 1st Birthday Party!! The guest list is so long that we had to rent a place to have the party! It would be nice to have it at home, but there's no way we can comfortably fit everyone in our house, even if we send half of them to the basement! So, we've rented the OC Senior Center out. It's a great place for events, very large, very clean, and very nice! It has a huge kitchen too, which makes clean-up easier. Mom & I went to Party America a couple nights ago and got the supplies....we're having a John Deere party! I just need to get a few more things, order the cake, and of course get the invitations out! I think I'm more excited than the birthday boy!
Well we got our computer back last week, but unfortunately it STILL has a stupid virus!!! I don't know how we're getting these viruses. We really don't do a lot of web surfing. We mainly just stick to the same ole sites. We don't even do all of those stupid applications on Facebook that are known to carry viruses. It's so frustrating!! So until it gets fixed again, I can't upload any pictures from my camera, which is double frustrating!! Luckily, my mommy was kind enough to share these photos with me that she took yesterday on "Carterday." Enjoy!
Don't worry about getting side-tracked with the diet. Just get back on track and you'll do fine. Carter is really starting to look like a toddler now instead of a baby. And his hair - I can't believe how long it's getting. I know Barb must be enjoying her time with him so much. Give him hugs for me and keep your blog going. You know I love reading it. -Jillybean