We started our Christmas celebrations by getting together with Brent's mom & dad & brother last Sunday. Carter got tons of awesome stuff, including an awesome John Deere 4-Wheeler!
On Christmas Eve, the weather starting getting pretty bad. We even got let out of work at 1:00 b/c the roads were getting so slick. We were supposed to go to my mom & dad's house that night for the Granger Christmas, but we didn't know if we'd be able to make it home. So we just decided to take all of Carter's presents for Christmas morning and stay the night at the farm and not even risk trying to make it home. Everyone was able to make it out (barely!) and we had a great Christmas Eve!
It was a great Christmas morning and Santa was very good to Carter! It was nice to be able to share the morning with my parents too! We were finally able to make it home Saturday afternoon, just in time to put away the new toys, take baths, and leave again for Aunt Diane's house to go celebrate Christmas w/ the Bryson's. Luckily Aunt Diane only lives about 5 minutes away from our house!
It was definitely a busy Christmas, but it was great to be able to spend it with all of our families. We were sad that we had to cancel our plans to go see Brent's grandma in Osage at noon yesterday, but she understood. We are looking forward to going to see her soon so Carter can give her her gifts!
So Carter made out like a bandit, and now we have all these toys and no place to put them! I guess we should have gotten him a toy box for Christmas! And with his birthday in only about a month and a half, we're definitely going to need one. So I've been surfing the net today, looking for a cool toy box, and I found an awesome John Deere one, but of course it's out of stock everywhere!
Brent had to work today (boo). I was actually hoping he wouldn't be able to get to work and he could just stay home with us! Now I'm worried about him getting home tonight. It's been snowing off & on and it just keeps blowing all over the road. Hopefully the state trucks will be out cleaning the highways and he can make it home safe!!
Since we have so many pictures from Christmas, I'm only putting a few on the blog, but click here to see more on Facebook. I should have more to post next week too, just need to get them off my mom's camera.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a happy new year!!

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