And of course one of the best things about Thanksgiving is BLACK FRIDAY! Our family has always been avid Black Friday shoppers. Last year was the first Black Friday I've missed and that was only b/c I was 8 months pregnant and didn't want to take any chances on getting trampled! We even talked Brent into going with us this year (I think it's only b/c he was excited to get presents for Carter!) Carter got to stay the night with G-ma & G-pa Gibby Thursday night so we could get up BRIGHT & EARLY Friday morning (and I do mean bright & early!) Mom was at our house about 3:15 am and we were to Wal-Mart at 4:00 am. The sales didn't start until 5:00 am, so we had some time to wait, but it was sure worth it. Mom got two 19-inch flat screen TV's for $128 each and an awesome Kodak digital camera very cheap, we got two Leap Frog musical activity tables for Carter for only $19 each (usually $40), and we got some other toys really cheap, and I got stuff to make Christmas presents for all the grandma's. Stay's going to be an awesome gift (at least I think so!) We hit some other places like Kohls, Target, Toys R Us, and the mall and found lots of good deals. It feels to good to pretty much be done w/ Christmas shopping and it's not even December yet!
We got our Christmas tree & all of our decorations put up last weekend. I'll put a picture up of our tree soon, but I want to wait until we get all the stockings put up as well. We would like to put lights on our house, but unfortunately we don't have any outside plug-ins. So, we're probably going to have to wait until next year.
As for Carter updates, he's doing very well! He's just getting over a cold right now. He ran a fever all day Friday & part of yesterday, but we think that may be due to teething. He seems to be feeling great today and ornery as ever! I'm telling you what, that little guy is into EVERYTHING! He's all over the house now, and is finally crawling on his knees. He's discovered that if he wants to get somewhere quick, he can get their faster on his belly. But for the most part he's crawling on his knees. He's trying his hardest to pull up to everything and with a little help he can easily stand holding on to something. He reminds me of a little monkey, the way he crawls all over me & Brent! He's babbling more & more each day and he's finally saying MAMA!! He's so much fun at this stage!
Hope everyone enjoys their week! It's going the be the first full week of work for me for a while...ugghh!

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