Hello Friends! Seems like it's been forever since our last post! August found us to be very busy, can't believe we're already into September!
Bubba is doing awesome and making leaps & bounds by the day. In fact, Carter turned 7 months old yesterday and tonight, he crawled for the first time!! It's more of an Army crawl than anything, but hey, it's still a crawl. The video below doesn't capture the best part of it, of course I didn't have the camera handy when he was really going! But I'm sure it won't be long and we'll have some real good video of him movin all over the house! Oh, and please ignore my annoying voice on the video!
Bubba also got his first tooth today! It's his bottom left one and it hasn't completely popped through yet, but we have a little white nubby sticking up! Hopefully it will be completely through by tomorrow.
As far as eating goes, Carter's up to eating 2 bowls of cereal, one in the morning and one at night, and 1 tub each of fruit & veggies per day, plus formula. We're on 2nd foods now, so there's much more variety to choose from! Bubba's even started on the Gerber Puffs! It took him a couple times before he realized he needs to actually chew them, but he's doing great now. The only bad thing is that they stick to his hands really bad, so he thinks he's got in his mouth and once he realizes it's not, he gets really mad! He also gets mad when the puffs are all gone, so he starts grunting for more!
On Saturday, my mom and I went to Babies R Us and finally bought Carter a crib mattress so he can move to his crib! Time to retire the Pack N Play in Mommy & Daddy's room. However, we have yet to put him in his crib all night. I know it's horrible, but we're so used to him sleeping in our room that we're having a hard time moving him! But he has been taking naps in his crib and seems to be getting used to it alright.
Carter's still doing great at daycare. He never cries when I leave him in the morning and he's always in such a good mood when I pick him up....maybe it's b/c he's so happy to see Mommy! He's finally getting to the stage where he puts his arms out to familiar folks to pick him up, it's so sweet! Amy has a jump-a-roo at her house and Carter LOVES it! Apparently he goes nuts in it! You can tell that he loves jumping all day b/c he comes home and he tries to jump up and down in his exersaucer...check out video below (yes, that's Beverly Hills 90201 on the TV in the background-don't judge me!)
This Friday is our trip to Children's Mercy to see the craniofacial doctor. I personally think that his head is looking better since we've been making him sleep on this left side, but I guess we'll see what the doctor thinks. I'm really hoping for good news!
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