We're still trying to get Carter to sit up on his own but not having much luck. He's very close, but I think his head just weighs too much! I'm really hoping that by the time he's 6 months he can do it on his own. Carter is doing really well with his sippy cup. We give him just a little bit of apple juice (mostly diluted w/ water) everyday in his cup and he's really getting the hang of it! C-man's getting quite the personality on him too. Brent and I have a feeling he's going to be quite a handful! He's very impatient (no idea where he gets that from! ha!) and anything he sees, he wants (mostly to just put in his mouth). He's really laughing a lot these days, but of course no one can make him laugh like his Daddy can :-) Brent just has the magical touch!
Since I already posted a bunch of new pics on Facebook today, I was too lazy to post them again, so feel free to click this link to check them out! Hope everyone has a great week! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2061850&id=62904693&l=96c3345eec
Brent, Erin, Carter, & Maggie
Boy, the time has gone by fast! Rolling on 6 months already!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that Carter can't go to work with you anymore, but it is awesome that you have a trusted friend who's going to be providing his daycare.
Glad to hear he's getting the sippy cup thing down! And don't worry... He'll be sitting right up before you know it! Those milestones seem to take forever to get here, but once they pass, they pass so quickly. :-(
Junior is impatient, too. In fact, he's my Mini Me. Man, I'm really in for it.
Karma does come back at you! LOL
Ok, Carter! I'm rooting for seeing your pearly white smile!
(One of these days, I need to try to figure out my password so I don't have to keep posting as anon!)