We're still trying to get Carter to sit up on his own but not having much luck. He's very close, but I think his head just weighs too much! I'm really hoping that by the time he's 6 months he can do it on his own. Carter is doing really well with his sippy cup. We give him just a little bit of apple juice (mostly diluted w/ water) everyday in his cup and he's really getting the hang of it! C-man's getting quite the personality on him too. Brent and I have a feeling he's going to be quite a handful! He's very impatient (no idea where he gets that from! ha!) and anything he sees, he wants (mostly to just put in his mouth). He's really laughing a lot these days, but of course no one can make him laugh like his Daddy can :-) Brent just has the magical touch!
Since I already posted a bunch of new pics on Facebook today, I was too lazy to post them again, so feel free to click this link to check them out! Hope everyone has a great week! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2061850&id=62904693&l=96c3345eec
Brent, Erin, Carter, & Maggie