Last weekend, I got out his Bumbo seat to see if he was ready to sit in it yet. They say you're not supposed to use them until baby can hold his head up all by himself, but he's SO close so I thought, why not give it a try! He does really well sitting in it. He does a pretty good job of keeping his head up, but I do catch him looking down a little bit. For those of you who don't know, a Bumbo seat is this AWESOME invention for little ones that helps ease into the process of sitting up on their own. I highly recommend them for all babies :)

We've discovered that our little man isn't too fond of day-time naps. If we can actually get him to sleep, he usually will only nap for 15 or 20 minutes and he's awake again. I guess he thinks he's going to miss something! However, I shouldn't complain too much about naps, b/c he is finally sleeping completely through the night, which has REALLY helped Mom & Dad :)
Last Friday, we had a very surprising thing happen....Carter started teething, which has really turned into a nightmare! I couldn't believe that a 3 1/2 month old could already be teething, but sure enough, he's got a tiny little tooth starting to poke through on the top. My grandma informed me that my mom got her first tooth at 4 months, so maybe Carter is following in Meema's footsteps!
Memorial weekend found us very busy and Brent & I attended a BBQ at Courtney & Moises' house on Saturday night. So Carter enjoyed his first overnight stay with Grandma & Grandpa Gibson and he did WONDERFULLY! Especially considering he was teething! I guess G-ma & G-pa must have that special touch b/c he hardly got fussy at all and he slept through the night for them too! Carter also got to visit his Great Grandma Mardell on Saturday night!
Thank goodness this is a short work week b/c we are all exhausted! Hope everyone enjoys their short week too :)

whattaya mean MAYBE he takes after his meema? Of course he does! Didn't I read something about him babbling on and on all the time?!!