Monday 3/30...Carter had an awesome day at work. Hardly any fussing at all! Mommy even got quite a bit of work done! My first Avon order came in Monday so Brent helped me put orders together that evening. We then proceeded to try to smell 20 different perfume samples that I ordered...bad idea :(
Tuesday 3/31...We received saddening news that our cousin's fiance had lost his parents Monday evening. Our hearts go out to them and they remain in our thoughts & prayers. On a happier note, Carter gave me his first REAL smile! Man how I wish I'd had my camera! Spent the rest of the week trying to get him to smile again....
Wednesday 4/1...Carter's girlfriend Hallie finally arrived! Our good friends, Amanda & Andy, welcomed their first daughter, just a few days past her due date :) Still workin on the smile.... Carter took his first steps! April Fools!

Thursday 4/2...Stayed home from work b/c Carter was up all night crying, didn't get any sleep. Spent most of the day cuddling with my little man and napping. Carter smiled for Daddy (no picture). Went to Lawrence Thursday evening to visit Amanda & Hallie. She is so adorable! So tiny compared to Carter! When we got home that night, Carter was awfully cranky and felt very hot. Took his temp and it was 100.8. Called the doc on call and he said to give him some Tylenol. If the fever didn't break, bring him to the ER. Thank goodness his temp dropped to 99.2 within about 30 min. Stayed up with Carter most of the night, monitoring his temp, which thankfully remained about the same.
Friday 4/3...Stayed home again and took Carter to the doc. It was so nice that Brent was off too so he could go along. Friday morning his temp was still 99.2 and gradually went down as the day progressed. The doc ruled out ear infection and RSV (thank GOD!). Went ahead and prescribed him an antibiotic in case the fever came back, which it hasn't. She's guessing he just had a small viral thing, nothing serious. He seems to be feeling fine now! While at the doc, we talked to her about his reflux problems. Thickening the milk w/ rice cereal was working great for a while, but his spitting up is getting worse & worse and the Zantac isn't doing much anymore. She prescribed him Reglan, which should speed up the digestion in his stomach...let's pray it works. Also found out that our little chunk is now up to 11 lbs...considering putting less cereal in the milk! Meema & Papa B. came over last night. Mom brought Papa Murphy's pizza and we watched Marley & Me (so cute!). Lots of smiles for Meema, tried to get pics (ha!)...see below.

Saturday 4/4...Supposed to be cleaning house while Brent's at work, but haven't managed to get much done but laundry due to a little man who seems to require constant attention today! Tried putting less cereal in his milk this morning..bad idea. He spit up half the bottle, including his Reglan :( Spitting up = VERY cranky baby. Gave him a couple more ounces of formula w/ a generous amount of cereal in it...he kept it down! Full baby = happy baby! Happy baby = sleeping baby. The smile is getting better!!

Sunday 4/5...Tried to get this post done yesterday to no avail. Only got half the cleaning done yesterday but at least I got all the laundry done! Carter still seems to be feeling fine, fever has not came back so that's good! The new medicine when paired with the Zantac seems to work pretty well. The trick is finding a good time to give it to him so he doesn't spit it up when he eats. It is cold and nasty out today..sounds to me like a good day for napping! Carter and I read some books this morning and played on the floor...cleaning can wait! Apparently this wore the little guy out. Guess that's my cue to finish the cleaning :(
Erin, it was great to see an update when I opened your blog today. I know it must be hard to keep this up when you have a baby and work full time but I appreciate reading how you are all doing. I loved Carter in those boots in the first picture you posted. He's looks like he's ready to head off to work with Daddy. I'm glad he's feeling better and not having reflux as bad. I'm sure it was very scary for you when he had a fever but it sounds like you handled it well. It was good to see that you are using the camo bibs I got you. Keep posting when you can find the time. I love seeing him grow and change and I appreciate your posts. Give him a gentle little hug from me and a soft kiss on the cheek. Hope you have a good week next week. Bye!