Maggie is excited for her little brother to come out and play with her!
(She's hoping he shares his toys with her!)
Friday, January 30, 2009
What a day!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hey Good Lookin'.......

Yummy Lasagna
we even made some of these.......

and now our deep freezer is stocked!.......

Thanks for all your help Mommy!! (Grandma Barbie)
On another note, we had our 35 week appointment with Dr. Wiley yesterday. He has a good feeling that Carter has flipped back into the head down position. He didn't do a sonogram to be sure, so I'm hoping he'll do one next week. On a couple bad notes, my swelling has increased and my blood pressure was up. If my swelling increases this week or I experience any headaches or blurred vision, the doc would like me to come in and get my BP checked. I'm feeling a little bad b/c the scale goes up soooo much at each appointment, but I need to remind myself that a lot of it is due to all the water I'm retaining. Ironically, the more water you drink, the less water you retain. I don't understand why I'm so swollen b/c I drink like a camel everyday! I just need to keep telling myself that we don't have much longer and this will all be over with and we'll have a beautiful baby in our arms!
One last thing, I'd like to apologize to my unborn son for incorrectly spelling his middle name on an earlier blog! I will be changing that right away! Thanks Jillybean :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Stupid Fat Fingers!
Oh, and another just wonderful note, apparently I now snore. I read somewhere that pregnancy hormones can cause you to snore, and I prayed to God that this didn't happen to me, but no such luck! Yes, I've joined the dark forces with those who annoy me the most...The Snoring Club. Last night, I awoke to Brent yelling at me, telling me that I "needed to go check the tree I just sawed down!" At first I thought he was talking jibberish in his sleep, but then it dawned on me, I was snoring :( I of course tried to deny it, but it's true! Let's just hope that this pregnancy side effect will also subside after birth!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
35 weeks!

Okay, going to bed now (should have been there LONG ago, but my computer decided to act up tonight and load everything slower than molasses so I'm just now getting to post!) We have a doctor's appt. on Friday so I'll be sure to update afterward!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Gettin Closer
We’re definitely on the downhill slide now; my doctor appointments are now weekly! It’s crazy to think we only have 5 weeks until he’ll be here, unless he decides to come a little early, which wouldn’t bother me at all! I’m ready for pregnancy to be OVER! My memory has completely gone out the window, I’m an even bigger klutz (I drop EVERYTHING and then I can’t bend over to pick it up!), my ankles & feet are swollen to the size of watermelons and my fingers look like mini sausages! However, all the pain & agony will be well worth it in the long run!
Brent and I so very excited for our little man to be here! His room is completely done, with the exception of the crib mattress, which isn’t a huge deal b/c he will be sleeping in the Pack n’ Play in our room for the first few months. We’ve got all of his clothes, blankets, and bottles washed and put away. His bag is packed and ready to go. Now Brent and I just have to pack ourselves! I’m planning on taking the car to Eagle carwash next week to get it deep cleaned so we can put the car seat in. Everyone says I’m jinxing myself by being so prepared and that he’s probably going to come late now. Oh well, I’d rather be prepared than up shit creek!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
We only have 6 more weeks until my due date, February 23!! We are super excited and hoping that he decides to come a little early. We can't wait to be able to hold little Carter Kahle in our arms! We are eagerly anticipating the day we can finally meet him (and I’m eager anticipating pregnancy being over with!)
Check out some pics of Carter’s room below. Brent did a wonderful job painting!